Manga Casioak Watch Review - Casio G-Shock GA-2100MNG-7A
Manga Casioak Watch Review - Casio G-Shock GA-2100MNG-7A

The Casioak Manga edition GA2100MNG truly looks like a comic book. After I bought the blue one, a friend bought the white one. Read the hands-on review.

The Top 10 Watches Under $500 Reviewed by StrapHabit
The Top 10 Watches Under $500 Reviewed by StrapHabit

New collectors or those on a budget often set hard limits on what they can spend on a watch, and that number is often $500. Despite recent cost increases, there are still a lot of great watches that can be bought for (often significantly) less than that amount.

Manga Casioak Watch Review - Casio G-Shock GA-2100MNG-2A
Manga Casioak Watch Review - Casio G-Shock GA-2100MNG-2A

Every time that I buy another Casioak, I think it's going to be the last one. Then I saw the Casioak Manga edition, aka GA2100MNG. It looks like a real-life cartoon watch and I was dying to see one in person, so I broke my own rule and paid over MSRP for one. Click to find out...

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